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Sauternes Domaine de Monteils


inificazione: vendemmia manuale di uve botritizzate con attenta selezione (da 3 a 5 passaggi), segue pressatura soffice, lavorazione per gravità, utilizzo del freddo per la conservazione degli aromi e per ridurre la solfitazione, fermentazione in vasche a T° controllata. Affinamento per circa 30 mesi in tini.


Categoria: Product ID: 21113


The small Sauternes region is located on the left bank of the Garonne River, about 25 miles south of Bordeaux. The soil is representative of the Garonne bed’s geological evolution, which has carried the alluvia throughout the gravel terraces. Domaine de Monteils stands at the gateway to the Sauternes region, in the parish of Preignac, one of the 5 villages (Sauternes, Bommes, Fargues, Preignac and Barsac) that have the privilege to claim the AOC Sauternes. The domaine was established in the village of Preignac in 1861 by Daniel Fiton. During the 1960s, Jean-Claude Cousin followed after his grand parents’ footsteps and developed the domaine.


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